
About 1 in 6 Australian couples of reproductive age experience fertility problems. The reasons for infertility are diverse and we are not going to discuss them here in detail. Female versus Male causes are close to 50:50. Western medical theory based protocols and procedures have been a staple treatments utilised by gynaecologists and andrologists in addressing infertility isssues. Modern IVF protocols raised the hope of many couples to becoming parents of their own child.

The records of Acupuncture being used to assist resolving impaired fertility can be traced a couple of centuries back, to the ancient times. Excavated turtle shells with the inscription on their back confirmed this fact by the Archaeologists. Modern empirical scientific research data in domain of acupuncture and fertility are easily accessible for review through a number of trusted data bases worldwide. Summarised data suggest that Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture may:

  • Enhance the possibility of IVF success by improving diminished ovarian reserve markers.
  • Normalise menstrual cycle and hormone levels.
  • Assist returning ovulation if you have stopped ovulating due to Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS).
  • Help to improve response to gonadotrophin stimulation In women with PCOS undergoing IVF, improve embryo quality and reduce the risk of OHSS.
  • Enhance the possibility of IVF success by reducing stress.
  • Increase the blood flow to the uterus and ovaries, which can improve the quality of eggs and heighten
    chances of a successful implantation.
  • Improve pregnancy outcomes by improving endometrial lining.
  • Contribute to the general improvement of sperm quality, specifically in the ultrastructural integrity of
    spermatozoa, in males suffering from idiopathic male infertility.
  • Be beneficial in labor induction.


In Chinese Medicine we understand the term Natural Fertility to signify conceiving without any external influence –the way The Nature intended that to be.

According to Chinese Medicine theory when both partners are in the prime of their growth and health the chance of spontaneous conception are at its highest. Ideally, the both future parents have abundance of energy to gift to their offspring and the baby conceived is going to be an healthy and happy baby.

However, a lot of couples are faced with smaller or bigger problems conceiving.

Chinese Medicine always aims to re-establish the state of the optimal health for both partners and thus help them to conceive naturally. In an endeavour to achieve that Chinese Medicine firstly needs to regulate the menstrual cycle in female, or to deal with different gynaecological ailments (PCOS, Endometriosis) or Impaired spermatogenesis in males. Only when those underlying conditions are improved we can more confidently expect natural conception to take place. Sometimes despite all the efforts the only hope remained is IVF .

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